Basic information about ionization

Breathing healthy air is more important than ever. More and more people are therefore looking into how they can turn their home into a healthy environment and are opting for Biow air ionizers. Beforehand, however, there is often a desire to read up on the subject. After all, it is about the own health and that of the family. We would therefore like to provide basic information on the subject of ionization, answering many questions in an understandable way.

What are ions?

Ions are electrically charged molecules or atoms. When balanced, they have exactly the same number of protons (positive charges) as electrons (negative charges). If this ratio is not balanced, they are called ions.

Particles that have an excess of electrons, that is, more negative charges than positive charges, are called anions. When they have an electron deficiency, when they have more positive charges than negative charges, they are called cations.

How are ions formed?

Ions are formed whenever atoms accept or give up negative charges (electrons). As a reminder, when an atom gives up an electron, there is an excess of the positive charges. The entity is now called a cation. If an atom accepts an electron, it is called an anion.

What properties do ions possess?

Because of their unequal charges, anions and cations are each attracted to oppositely charged elements. Anions, or negatively charged ions, are attracted to positively charged elements and cations are attracted to negatively charged elements. Figuratively speaking, ions "seek out" the closest possible suitable partner and form a bond. This happens in both water and air.

What influence do ions have on the human organism?


Cations possess a damaging influence on the body. They provide oxidative stress, because they provide for the overacidification of muscles. In addition, our organism has to deal with neutralizing the cations. The far-reaching consequences can range from lack of energy to reduction of organ function and weakening of the immune system to favoring tumor or cancer formation. Symptoms of a permanent excess of cations in the human body include fatigue, disturbed sleep, depression, headaches, breathing problems and many more.


Anions have a health-promoting influence on organs and circulation. They neutralize the cations and thus provide a balance. An excess of anions in the body is considered desirable and improves the immune system. They provide calm, restful sleep, reduce headaches and fatigue, lower blood pressure, and reduce oxidative stress triggered by cations.

Naturally, they occur at waterfalls, after thunderstorms, or simply in the forest. Not just coincidentally, these are places where we instinctively feel good. This feel-good state with excess anions is also created by our Biow Air Ionizers, which can create the healthy natural state, so to speak, even indoors.

What ions does Biow create?

Biow generates oxygen anions. They are formed inside the device and then gently released into the room. In an untreated air, these very quickly meet and form bonds with positively charged particles. This neutralises these particles, for example harmful cations. If the Biow Ionizer runs permanently, the harmful elements are removed from the air after some time. Now the oxygen anions are carried far into the room, where they can be absorbed (inhaled) by the user and provide the health benefits.


- Ionisation, retrieved 16.11.2021:

- "Raumluftqualität, Zuluftionisation, Gesundheit" by Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Fiedler and Dipl. Ing. Werner Fleischer