Biow Ionizers vs. Bacteria and Viruses
Viruses and bacteria are common causes of illness. Almost all of us have probably had a viral infection or the flu. COVID-19 is also one of the viral diseases. The prevention of airborne transmission is seen as an important prerequisite for returning to a "normal" daily life. Ensuring clean and healthy air was a major challenge for companies in the first half of 2021. For only in a virus-free environment could a safe return to the office proceed. It is at least as important that one's home is also free of viruses and bacteria. Biow's impact on airborne bacteria and viruses is noticeable, whether at home or at work.
Safe return to the office - virus protection in the office
Even though germs, bacteria and viruses are tiny and many filters can't capture them, Biow's WNS10 filtration system, and more importantly, Biow's dual Cold Plasma Ionization, offers the right solution to remove these tiny pests from the air. That's because in every Biow ionizer unit, we not only use bactericidal - or germicidal - filters to draw in air, but we also incorporate an ultraviolet sterilization system to remove DNA from viruses and bacteria. Consequently, in the unlikely event that virus "envelopes" survive filtration, however, they are lifeless due to the absence of DNA and can cause no further harm.
The University of Navarra (Spain) confirms that Biow complies with recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID 19 in buildings and premises. These recommendations were published by the Spanish Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Ecological Change and Demographic Challenge on 30 July 2020. A short time later, Biow was able to obtain the corresponding certification.