Health benefits of ionized air

Breathing healthy air that is enriched with negative oxygen ions offers multiple health benefits. This has been proven by numerous studies and research. The reason is simple: an environment full of oxygen anions facilitates breathing and allows for increased absorption of oxygen. The consequences range from an improved sense of well-being to improvements in the blood circulation system and reduction of diseases or their symptoms.

The natural ionic ratio

In free, pristine nature, positively and negatively charged ions are present in a roughly even ratio, tending to have a slight excess of positively charged ions (called cations). In urban areas, and also in many rural areas, the harmful excess of cations is even more pronounced. In particularly beneficial places, however, i.e., forests, seashores, waterfalls, and mountains, a surplus of negatively charged ions can be observed.

What ion concentration is healthy?

It has been known for several centuries that people do well in high mountains as well as on seashores. It is not without reason that numerous sanatoriums and pulmonary clinics have been built in such places. For a long time, the reason for improved health after a long stay at the sea or in the mountains was unclear. However, it has been known for several decades that a crucial factor of the health-promoting environment is the air. More specifically, the anion content of the air. Studies show that anion concentrations are extremely elevated in these locations compared to those in urban areas or indoor environments. A particularly high concentration of negatively charged ions is therefore desirable.


Surrounding of waterfalls

Mountains/near the sea

Urban / Meadows / Fields

City and agglomeration

Ventilated or air-conditioned indoor spaces

Anion concentration

30.000 - 80,000

Ions / cm3

4,000 - 10.000

Ions / cm3

1,000 - 3.000

Ions / cm3

200 - 500

Ions / cm3

10 - 100

ions / cm3

Table: Average ion concentrations of selected locations


Health benefits


We now know that in a healthy environment, anions must predominate over cations for the air to be beneficial and health-promoting. Furthermore, a high anion concentration is important to perceive long-lasting and feelable health effects. But what exactly are those benefits?

It was already proven in the 50s and 60s that air enriched with negative ions positively influences the well-being.

Also confirmed is an antibacterial effect. VOC (volatile organic compounds such as gases and odors) and aerosols can be made harmless or degraded to almost 100%.

However, ionized air has the greatest impact on oxygen uptake. This is also the focus of our therapeutic ionizers. Various studies bring evidence that breathing ionized air results in increased blood oxygen saturation, lower blood pressure and pulse rate. In addition, increased regenerative capacity and less fatigue have been demonstrated.

This results in multiple consequential effects, which can turn out individually depending on the physical condition of the user. In particular, organ functions as well as the respiratory tract benefit from breathing ionized air. Asthmatics, smokers, allergy sufferers, sleep apnea patients as well as other persons with respiratory diseases report enormous positive effects when breathing air enriched with oxygen anions.

A review by the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts summarizes as follows:

"The results of the individual studies provide clear evidence that there are correlations between health, well-being and physical performance and the ion content of the air. The restoration from the natural ratio of negative to positive ions is obviously important. For example, it has been shown that ionized air can contribute to improved air quality because air ionization reduces the amount of aerosols and organic particles in the air. Further, in relation to humans, improved oxygen uptake with a balanced ion ratio stands out as probably the most meaningful indicator related to health, well-being and performance. "

Sources: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences & Arts - Engineering & Architecture, Competence Center Typology & Planning in Architecture (CCTP), "Ionized Air in Indoor Spaces", 2013
